Hey my gorgeous friends
Just a quick note to let you know that unfortunately Joey has jumped out of the pouch and I’ve had a miscarriage this week.
I started bleeding heavily on Tuesday and saw my IVF Doc today for a scan. Unfortunately the nurses forgot to tell him that the scan was to diagnose a miscarriage rather than a pregnancy, so he came bounding out of his office asking how the pregnancy was going and if I was enjoying things. I got a bit messy when I explained that much of the pregnancy was down the hall in a hospital toilet.
Anyway, he was actually incredibly sensitive after that and arranged a D&C straight afterwards in the Private Hospital. So I’m home now, being forced to keep my feet up by Cameron who has donned an apron and a nurse’s hat and is busy clucking around me and cooking risotto.
Trina, sorry I won’t be joining you in the bump club at New Years, but I do look forward to meeting You Junior in May.
At least I’ve still got 10 more little Joeys in the freezer and my doctor says that even though I miscarried, the fact that the pregnancy started so well is very encouraging for the future (how’s that for glass-half-full). And it was really nice being pregnant for a joyful seven weeks. Must have been those damn poached eggs. Or, more likely, your dodgy pumpkin soup last week Pip (JOKE!).
Sorry to tell you in an email rather than the phone. But seems that, although I want you both to know, I’m not quite ready for talking yet.
Love you both so, so much. Really, truly. I hope I get to keep you as friends for a very long time.
Mike got a job and other updates
5 years ago